The DigitalFriend

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All Computers

The DigitalFriend is a cross-platform technology, with most of its coding in the Java language, and with logic programming in CoLoG which is an internally interpreted language (i.e. within the Java). The aim was not overly about addressing individual users who were either Windows oriented, or Mac oriented or Linux oriented, but at individuals who use three, two or one or these operating systems on a regular basis...

Windows PC

Most of us have a Windows PC at home, but even if we don't we usually have to use one somewhere in our work or within our social circle. Personally, I use a Mac iBook much of the time, I have a Windows PC on the desk at the University office, and Linux and Windows (XP and NT4 servers) machines in the home office. I often move between these machines with a USB device in my pocket. All machines have my version of the DigitalFriend installed on them, and I can sync my files (there is a sync function within the FUN File manager) within the Knowledge Tree at will, between the USB device and the computer that I have just worked on, and the one I'm about to work on.


The Mac OSX interface is brilliant, and the operating system behind its GUI is a rendition of BSD Unix, so its a good, solid, secure, well-endowed computer to work on. The DigitalFriend works equally well on the Mac as it does on Windows ...


The DigitalFriend works just as well on Linux as it does on Windows and Mac OSX. I saw a story the other day where a son was asked by his father to install the new Vista version of Windows, as he was ready for a change over-and-above Windows XP. Since the father had steeled himself for change, and was ready for innovation in the OS GUI, the son decided to put a copy of Linux on his Dad's computer, and see what he thought.

The interesting thing to me in that story, was that it highlighted the two things which normally impede people from trying Linux - no desire to change to a new GUI, and...

USB Computing

Even though most computer users use USB drives, most don't realise that you can do your computing from the USB drive itself. For example there are versions of several popular programs that can be installed on a USB drive, and run from there, e.g. FireFox (web browser) and ThunderBird (email client) from the Mozilla. One problem is, many of these applications are written in C++ or other none-Java language, so that the USB needs to be connected to the same sort of computer, to run on the USB drive. Note: the software 'installed' on the USB drive runs on the computer its attached to, so a program written for Windows in the C++ language, won't run on a Mac, say. However, if the applications are written in Java, then they will run on all computers, PC Linux or Mac, that have a Java virtual machine on it, which is most computers. In this computing scenario, the DigitalFriend with its cross-platform file manager and interface, is a cross-platform GUI environment, capable of running from a USB device, attached to yoru host client computer of choice ...

Cross-platform Configuration

There is a single file which holds configuration information for all of Windows, Mac, Linux and USB-Computing figurations...

RSS Enclosures

RSS feeds have the ability to attach files (via Internet links) of numerous types...

Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)

Multi-Agent Systems are ...

The ShadowBoard Agent Architecture (MAS)

The ShadowBoard Agent Architecture is an MAS architecture ...

Decision Support Systems - DSS

A Decision Support System is ...

Constraint Logic Programming (CLP)

Distributed Constraint Logic Programmings (CLP) lets you ...

Database and DBMS

Databases are collections of data that are grouped together for some common usage...

Personal Devices

As per the discussion above regarding USB-oriented computing, this opens the possibility for all sorts of devices that ...

USB Thumb Drives & Devices

USB thumb drives ...


MP3 files and other media types are frequently downloadable via RSS attachments ...

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